"Investing in early childhood nutrition is a surefire strategy. The returns are incredibly high." - Anne M. Mulcahy
Our menu’s have been assessed against the recommendations of the “Nutrition Checklist for Long Day Care Menu Planning” This ensures that the menu’s offer children a minimum 50% of their Recommended Daily Intakes of nutrients whilst at daycare. Menus are compiled for a four week period to ensure rotation of menu choices for all children. We also have a summer and a winter menu on offer.
Our commercial kitchens are purpose built for delivering fresh food to growing bodies by our on-site cooks and chefs. Processed foods are minimised and every meal is made with love in our kitchens, every day. Our kitchens are registered with local authorities as food preperation facilities and go through the same rigorous inspections as any commercial kitchen within a restuarnt would.
Is changes the children experience as they grow, learn and develop. Children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, skills, and relationships change through childhood. We want children to participate fully and be active in society.